Monday, July 7, 2008

Martha forever in our heart (2003-2008)

Last thursday we've decided to let Martha put asleep.

We hope you'll find some rest now sweet girl.
You have been so brave all the way.
You were the greatest.
You were there for Youp to comfort him in his loss of Max.
You were there for Bonnie when she was sick or hurt herself.
You tried everything and nothing could frighten you.
You may have been small but you were the brave one.
A little clown for the children, for us one to hug, friends and family truly adored you, you enjoyed life especially when we went out for a walk or a bike trip.
We all found love and comfort in you.
Ebony misses your hugs.
Youp misses his little girlfriend for live.
We miss "Martha" for everything you were and always will be.
Sleep tight little one...

And those were the days of roses,
Poetry and prose and Martha
All I had was you and all you had was me.
There was no tomorrows,
Wed packed away our sorrows
And we saved them for a rainy day.*

*Lyrics from "Martha" by Tom Waits
(my favourite song. From the first time I saw you, I new that would be your name Martha)

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