Tuesday, September 30, 2008

October is halloween month

The special offer of the month proofs it.
Also eBONY feels great this month cause she looks a little bit like a pumpkin
but than walking on 4 legs.
Her well curved body also shows she likes good food that's why we love to give you this recipe:

Soft pumpkin pie (cake)
100 gr butter
150 gr sugar
4 eggs
150 gr self-raising flour
500 gr pumpkin
100 gr crunched walnuts
50 gr honey

Let's bake away:
Stir the butter softly through the sugar.
Add also the eggs and the sieved flour.
Skin and cut the pumpkin in large pieces.
Cook and mash to pulp.
Stir the pulp, the crushed walnuts and the honey through the blend.
Add the blend in a buttered cake tin.
Put it in a preheated oven and bake for 45 min on 180° C.

The halloween card of eBONY and the cake you can find in the webshop
new cards, halloween or dog breeds 'english bulldog'

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